Schools & Universities

Schools and universities need main entrance signage in order to clearly communicate, direct and identify themselves to parents, teachers, students and the community.  The entrance sign is certainly one of the most important signs a school will have.  Whether you simply need a monument or combine the main sign with changeable letter boards or LED electronic message boards,  we can assist you in finding the perfect entrance sign to fit your school’s particular needs.

We can help you build school spirit with a vinyl decal on the floor of your gymnasium or a dimensional mascot on your football stadium wall.  Our wayfinding signage ranges from post and panel directional maps and signs, classroom identification signs to exterior building lettering.  This functional signage will get students, teachers and visitors to the correct destination.  We can also advise you of the best way to add signage to promote seminars and symposia, recognize event sponsors and call attention to your projects and accomplishments.